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A More Sculpted Lifted Face Without Surgery

PDO Threads are placed throughout the face by our expertly trained staff to lift and tighten tissue without significant downtime and at a much more affordable cost than surgery. Each care plan is personalized to achieve your ideal look. PDO Threads can help to lift sagging cheeks, improve jowling, and give you a more defined jawline.

PDO needless

How Do PDO Threads Work?

Polydioxanone threads, or PDO, are non-surgical forms of facelifting that tighten and refine loose and sagging skin. They are made from a biodegradable, medically approved polymer called polydioxanone. During the procedure, our trained professional will strategically place the threads into the skin. Over time, collagen and elastin production is stimulated, making the skin firmer and supple. The threads will eventually dissolve safely after a few months. You should see lifted, tighter skin almost immediately after treatment is completed.

Top-Quality Cosmetic Care

Whether you want to improve your cheek, jawline, or neck shape, PDO may be right for you. Here’s what it can provide:

Sustained Skin Firmness

The threads gradually build and maintain collagen and elastin levels, allowing you to maintain your look for a period of 12-18 months typically.

Quick Recovery

Usually, there’s little to no downtime after treatment. You’ll likely be able to return to your routine right away.

Natural-Looking Skin

Results occur subtly and evenly over time, giving you a more natural look than harsher and more invasive procedures.

Pre-Care Instructions for PDO Threads

Please follow these instructions before your appointment:

  • Avoid drinking alcohol or caffeine for 48 hours to prevent blood thinning from causing swelling or bruising.
  • Maintain a vitamin and antioxidant-rich diet to promote skin health and healing.
    Stop smoking for at least two weeks before your procedure so your skin can better heal.
  • Some blood thinning or anti-inflammatory medications may need to be paused before treatment.
  • Do not apply or wear makeup on the day of your procedure.

Post-Care Instructions for PDO

Here are some post-care recommendations:

  • If you feel any post-procedure pain, discomfort, swelling, or bruising, you can apply cold compresses on the targeted area to relieve it.
  • While sleeping, keep your head in an elevated position to reduce swelling.
  • Refrain from scrubbing your face for roughly a week. Until then, you may use a mild cleanser.
  • Avoid high-impact exercise two weeks after treatment and low-impact exercise for 24 to 48 hours.
  • You should not get radiofrequency, laser treatments, microneedling, or facial massaging between four and six weeks after treatment.

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